Camada M de Villa Astur


Acerca de Camada M de Villa Astur

Past litters

Te interesa saber

  • Purchase and Sale Agreement

    All our puppies are delivered with a purchase and sale agreement.

  • LOE certificate

    Along with the puppy, we provide the LOE certificate (Spanish Stud Book) as well as a copy of the parents' pedigree.

  • Microchip and passport

    The puppies are delivered identified and documented according to the current law in Spanish territory.

  • Veterinary check-up

    All of our puppies are delivered with up-to-date vaccinations and deworming.

Pedigree of Camada M de Villa Astur

Padre Ch. Donatello de Verdevera Madre Xerinola Jir-Pia Abuelo paternoCh. Ali de Villa Astur Abuela paterna Casandra de Verdevera Abuelo maternoCh. GM de Bellemanié Abuela maternoJir-Pia Kapritx Padre del abuelo paternoCh. Laudrup de los Infanzones Madre del abuelo paternoLina de Villa Astur Padre de la abuela paternaCh. Rasputin di Casa Vernice Madre de la abuela paternaAlmira de Santarocche Padre del abuelo maternoFalco de la Ville D’Hiver Madre del abuelo maternoETM de Bellemanie Padre de la abuela maternaCh.Viper della Rocca Costanza Madre de la abuela maternaJir-pia Da

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